On Sunday I made up my mind to do Dr. Ian Smith's diet plan "The Four Day Diet" Now stop- before you say 'oh that sounds like a fad!" and "nobody loses weight in 4 days" hear me out. It isn't a fad diet, and it isn't just four days. I've done this eating plan before and was impressed with his use of quinoa and his emphasis on fruits and vegetables! (the only downside to his eating plan is not enough dairy on some days, and I've taken a college level nutrition class so its a semi educated opinion) /wahaha
The four days is basically four day modules you do - you start out with a detox of mainly brown rice, fruit, yogurt, veggies and lemon juice, and then transition to adding in more food groups and he keeps changing the foods so you don't get bored.
I brought the book about two years ago and did it for a while and lost weight, but I wasn't as dedicated to my weight loss, nor did I have gym access which is also crucial for the plan (40 minutes on most days!)
The 4 Day Diet was written by Dr. Ian Smith who is also theauthorof the Fat Smash and Extreme Fat Smash diets.
Smith claims that this program will help dieters to avoid the common pitfalls of dieting including boredom, not allowing treats, too much repetition, and plateaus.4 Day Diet Basics
Another purpose of the different modules is that of increasing variety in the meal plan so you don’t get bored eating the same foods all the time. In addition it has the benefit of keeping the metabolism working well because the body is kept guessing and it doesn’t have time to adapt to the diet.
The seven dieting modules include:
- Induction (detox/cleansing)
- Transition (to reintroduce all food groups)
- Protein Stretch (to avoid plateaus)
- Smooth (when you can have some formerly forbidden foods like pizza and French fries)
- Push (the sprint just before the final stretch, back to a stricter eating plan)
- Pace (a comfortable module for you to catch your breath)
- Vigorous (the final module to lose those last few pounds)
Smith places a great deal of emphasis on the psychological factors that are essential for successful dieting and says that losing weight is 80% mental and 20% physical. Dieters are provided with instructions on how to use tools like goal setting and visualization as well as with practical strategies for avoiding temptation.
Recommended Foods
Fruit, vegetables, low fat dairy, lean protein, whole grains, legumes, nuts, avocado, low calorie salad dressing.Sample Diet Plan
The meal plans vary dramatically throughout the different segments. The following is a sample daily food list for the ‘Induction’ phase.2 cups coffee. Limit sugar to one packet and cream or milk to one teaspoon per cup. |
2 cups of raw or cooked green leafy vegetables. |
1 cup freshly squeezed lemonade with no more than a tablespoon of sugar. |
1 tablespoon psyillium husk. |
4 servings of fruit. |
6 oz plain fat free yogurt. |
2 cups green garden salad with 3 tablespoons fat free dressing. |
1 cup cooked beans (chickpeas, lentils etc.) |
1 ½ cups cooked brown rice |
Unlimited plain water |
Exercise Recommendations
Each diet module comes with specific recommendations for exercise. Dieters are advised to build up slowly in accordance with their fitness levels and if necessary to break up exercise into several short periods over the day.Costs and Expenses
The 4 Day Diet retails at $24.95.Click Here to purchase the book at a discounted price.
- Unique and interesting approach to dieting.
- Good for dieters that get bored easily or don’t like to follow a strict diet plan.
- Addresses the psychological factors involved in weight management and dieting.
- Can be customized according to the dieter’s preferences.
- Highlights the importance of goal setting.
- Allows for controlled cheating, which may increase adherence to the diet over the long term.
- Does not require any special foods or supplements.
- Suitable for vegetarians.
- The author has a very motivating writing style.
- Includes recipes.
- Does not account for individual variations in calorie and nutritional requirements.
- The meal plan lists all the foods to be eaten in the day and does not break it down into individual meals.
- Will not appeal to dieters that prefer to follow a routine with their meal plans.
love your post we can keep each other motivated :)
ReplyDeleteIm glad we are both doing this, there is def. strength in numbers :)