So after I did the four day detox I went into what Dr. Smith calls the transition phase. And boy have I lost WEIGHT :D !!! Even with a massive cheat day on Monday-(you may remember I mentioned I had a True Blood premier party I had to host right? Well...I will fill you in on Mondays debauchery evidence at the end of this post)
I wasn't hungry either, I've felt full the past few days!
So let me fill you in on the Transition Phase.
It is still a very healthy phase compared to some of the upcoming modules (cant wait for the Smooth module, I get to eat pizza :D )
I was a bit daunted looking at the food list for the four days of Transition- it all looked SO healthy with very little room for creativity!
However, once I hit up the local organic store and came home with a bunch of goodies like blueberries and raspberries it seemed I would be able to make it more fun after all :D You are allowed two snacks on each day (from a list on page 139 of the book) eg. a small seven grain Belgian waffle (which I didn't buy, instead I made them myself with Hodgson Mill flour!)
Writing it down was still way easier thany tallying up calories like I usually used to do!
I dont think ya'll need an overdose of everything I ate though but let me give you a sample day:
A whole grain waffle with blueberries mixed in the batter and blueberry sauce on top (made with half a cup of fresh blueberries, a little cornstarch and raw honey)
A 2 cup garden salad (spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, kalamtas, cucumbers) and a cup of roasted garbanzo beans seasoned with chili flakes and onion powder and tossed into the salad, topped off with Asian sesame salad dressing (2Tbps) and a Tbsp of lemon juice
A cup of diet lemonade (allowed one diet drink a day in this module- I skipped anything with caffeine in it though, but having pink lemonade made me feel naughty enough for the day LOL without having to resort to sweets!)
4oz of vegetarian protein - Gardein 'chicken' cooked with a light mango salsa, with a cup of steamed carrots and a side salad of sliced cucumber and ranch
I took this with a smart phone, hence the quality! |
1 Chobani or Stonyfield yogurt, a pear, an apple
A new fave!! |
Strictly more what the diet calls for- no fruit on the bottom! |
I did every required day of working out, even the one that called for 30 min in the morning and 30 min. at night ( I did Jillian's 30 Day Shred DVD in the morning, gym at night! I was VERY excited when I could actually do the harder sit up moves on LEVEL THREE for the FIRST time ever!! How far I've come...)
It wasn't always easy getting to the gym, but I made it my NUMBER ONE priority! I had to skip a few things I would have liked to attend to make it happen. But I wanted to get all my workouts DONE so I could have my 'rest' day fall on Monday when I was having friends over for True Blood!
Lets talk about my infamous Monday.....I ate a slice of this
Luscious glazed strawberries nestled on a bed of sweet Bavarian creme, atop a flaky golden crust.
And a slice of this creamy yet tart key lime pie:
And I made Pina Ghouladas like I said I would,and I made it all fresh- pineapple juice, OJ, heavy cream, coconut cream- no pina colda ready mix in MY house thank you very much...!
Here's the recipe:
And here is a pic of me with the finished prodcut, including lychee/strawberry/blueberry 'eyeballs' and hard candy 'blood' dripping down the cup! My man and I had SO much fun prepping these!
Everybody loved them! We had fresh popcorn and mini-sandwiches too, but I just stuck to the popcorn!
I guess the message behind my confession of totally not following the four day diet on Monday is that you can STILL lose weight if you have a day off occasionally. Especially if you add an extra day to the module like I am. I'm doing another day of Transition to make up for the one I lost- which basically works out to an extra day of working out.
I wouldn't cheat more than once every two modules though. And I wouldn't cheat for more than a day- if you keep adding make up days to your module it defeats the whole purpose of the way the diet is planned, which is to keep you interested.
I can only manage one more day of Transition, I'm getting kinda bored with the food list! I'm looking forward to the Protein Stretch phase though! I get to have a soy 'turkey' sandwich for lunch, and I'm going to bake my own multi-grain bread so that its awesome :D